Short Sale
Speak With Our Short Sale Specialist Today!
Bernice Lattimere-
Phone 404-536-7442
What is a Short Sale?
A Short Sale, also known as a pre-foreclosure sale, is when you sell your home for less than the balance remaining on your mortgage. If your mortgage company agrees to a short sale, you can sell your home and pay off all (or a portion of) your mortgage balance with the proceeds. You may also be eligible for the government’s Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program (HAFA) which offers short sale options.
A short sale is an alternative to foreclosure and may be an option if:
- You are ineligible to refinance or modify your mortgage
- You are facing a long-term hardship
- You are behind on your mortgage payments
- You owe more on your home than it’s worth
- You have not been able to sell your home at a price that covers what you still owe on your mortgage
- You can no longer afford your home and are ready or need to leave
What is the process for a Short Sale?
If you qualify for this option, the process is similar to a normal real estate sales transaction. You will work with a real estate agent to market and sell your home. However, your mortgage company will also be working with you and your real estate agent every step of the way to:
- set the sale price (based on current market value),
- collect financial information and negotiate with other lien holders (i.e., your second mortgage company) if applicable,
- review acceptable offers,
- agree to the terms of the sale once a buyer is in place, and
- work with the buyer’s real estate agent and mortgage lender to finalize the sale.
In some cases, you may be eligible to receive relocation assistance to use toward your moving expenses and to make the transition to new housing easier.
A Short Sale may take up to 120 days, but this could be shorter or longer depending upon your specific situation.