Finding Your Dream Home in 2014
Finding Your Dream Home in 2014
Ask 10 people to describe their “Dream Home” and you are likely to get ten very different answers. Aside from varying tastes, one of the key reasons for this difference is that people are in different stages of their life. A dream home for an Empty Nest couple may well be a smaller more comfortable condominium with the convenience of nearby shopping and entertainment. On the other hand, the dream home for a family with two children may well be something more rural with a back yard in a good school district. A first time home byer may have yet another definition of their ideal dream home. For these reasons, it is imperative that a home buyer finds the right representation in an Agent/Broker who will take the time to truly understand the unique requirements and wishes of you, the home buyer.
At The Stanley Team we pride ourselves in the fact that we take time with every prospective client to fully understand their goals, lifestyle, stage in life, and overall tastes in order to truly understand their unique definition of “Dream Home”. We then leverage our extensive network and comprehensive tools to find the perfect house or condominium for our clients based on their individual needs. Home buying is anything but cookie cutter, and for this reason we ask our clients to share as much about themselves as individuals and families to help us better determine the properties to include in their home search.
2013 now brings some tremendous opportunities for the home buyer as well. With interest rates near all-time lows, and a newly recovering real estate market, there are still some excellent deals to be had. Navigating the real estate market is still a bit tricky, however, with some neighborhoods and/or properties commanding a premium price, while others can still provide the opportunity to bargain. For example, the Midtown Atlanta condo market is moving very quickly at the moment due to limited inventory and lack of new construction, so putting in an offer much below the list price may often miss out on an opportunity. On the other hand, Marietta has still not rebounded from the housing market adjustment and has a large inventory of available homes for sale, so in many cases a home can be had for significantly less than the asking price. While these are generalizations, and the actual asking price relative to the market in a given area is a critical factor, it is important to work with an agent who understands the market in each neighborhood, and can provide educated advice on negotiating an appropriate price.
At The Stanley team, we take the time to stay up-to-date on current market trends, and disseminate this information throughout the team, so each agent is fully prepared to discuss your options and make very target and personalized recommendations for your home search. We also provide overall Atlanta Market trend to our clients through our YouTube channel, so clients can remain informed of the most recent trends and can act on opportunities as they arise. These are available on our Video page. In the coming months you will also be able to visit this page to get a better feel for the lifestyle provided in unique neighborhoods, as we will be launching our Neighborhood Spotlight in June of 2013. We hope you come back to visit often.
To begin looking for your Dream Home today, please visit our home search or community search options here.