The Atlanta BeltLine: The 5 Ws and Then Some
The Atlanta BeltLine is the most comprehensive revitalization effort ever undertaken in the City of Atlanta and among the largest, most wide-ranging urban redevelopment and mobility projects currently underway in the United States. This sustainable project is providing a network of public parks, multi-use trails and transit by re-using 22-miles of historic railroad corridors circling downtown and connecting 45 neighborhoods directly to each other.
The Atlanta BeltLine is transforming the city with a combination of rail, trail, greenspace, housing and art. It will ultimately connect 45 intown neighborhoods, provide first and last mile connectivity for regional transportation initiatives, and put Atlanta on a path to 21st century economic growth and sustainability. The beauty of the Atlanta BeltLine is that it offers not only modern conveyances and exciting new development, but it is a living, breathing part of our community; not simply a means of getting somewhere, but a destination unto itself. It offers a chance for Atlanta to redefine what it is to be a neighbor, to be a community, to be a region, and to share all that it has to offer.
What is the Atlanta BeltLine?
First conceived as a 1999 master’s thesis by Georgia Tech student Ryan Gravel, the Atlanta BeltLine evolved from an idea, to a grassroots campaign of local citizens and civic leaders, into a robust new vision of an Atlanta dedicated to an integrated approach to transportation, land use, greenspace, and sustainable growth.
Why is the Atlanta BeltLine Important to the Region?
The Atlanta BeltLine represents a new framework for the region’s growth, centered on Transit Oriented Development, an unprecedented expansion of park land and public spaces, and vital expansion of the regional transit and transportation network. As a major new transportation corridor with direct connections into downtown and midtown, the Atlanta BeltLine provides critical first and last mile connectivity. With links to the existing MARTA system and other transit services from outlying suburban communities, the transit component of the Atlanta BeltLine is critical for long-term transportation initiatives benefiting everyone in the entire metro Atlanta region and beyond.
When Will the Atlanta BeltLine be Completed?
The Atlanta BeltLine is already here – with more to come! Three trail segments are open or nearing completion, four spectacular new or renovated parks are now open for public enjoyment, and new affordable housing is making it easier to live along the corridor. The Atlanta BeltLine Running Series and Art on the Atlanta BeltLine are now can’t miss events, energizing and enlivening the community. Much work remains, however, and it will occur in phases over the next two decades. Exciting new things happen every day along the Atlanta BeltLine!
How is the Atlanta BeltLine Being Developed?
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. (ABI) is managing the planning, design and implementation of all aspects of the project with partners in the public and private sectors. For the Atlanta BeltLine corridor itself, ABI has formulated a world-class design team led by Perkins+Will. Approximately 3,000 acres of underutilized land along the corridor will become available for public and private redevelopment opportunities. Funding for the Atlanta BeltLine project comes from a combination of federal, state, local, and private sources.
Who is Involved in the Atlanta BeltLine?
You! First and foremost, the Atlanta BeltLine is a project by and for the people of Atlanta. Thousands of Atlantas have volunteered their time to help realize the Atlanta BeltLine vision. In addition, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc., the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership, and the City of Atlanta are all integral to the implementation of the project.